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Kenya Tourism 's North American Tour a Success. Will there be an encore in 2001? Wait and See!

BC Travel Agents win a Kenya Safari for two and other prizes at this Safari Night event!

A large Kenya delegation of Tour Operators, led by the High Commissioner from Ottawa, toured North America last summer. The Road Show tour started Sept. 18, with a "Kenya Night" event in Vancouver, BC, Canada, at the city's new Library Square, 350 West Georgia Street, designed in the style of the Coliseum at Rome. There will be a presentation to British Columbia Travel Agents in the early evening, with audio visual presentations and prizes of Two Safaris Tour Packages, followed by business sessions.

Travel Agents wishing to attend opur next Africa Night please e-mail, or fax 604-681-6595.

The Vancouver venue was followed by similar presentations to Travel Agents in several US cities: Seattle (Sept. 19), Portland (Sept. 20) and Los Angeles (Sept. 22). The Kenya Tourism group then proceeded to Las Vegas, where members will participate in the 2000 ASTA World Travel Congress,.
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For inside information on Kenya, its HAT Hotel Adventure Travel in Nairobi - e-mail...subscribex