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Africa Skies
Africa Travel
Africa Rail
Afxrica Fashion
Africa Night
Africa Wildlife
52 Destinations
Ethiopia USA
Trade Mission
Kenya Tour

Africa Night in Vancouver
A Multicultural Evening

Food, music, fellowship, opportunity and education about Africa as a destination for travel and trade. Informal program features humanitarian causes, group travel and tours to Africa via the Atlantic and new Asia- Pacific Routes with exotic stopovers en route.

Also Africa- Canada - Asia Business opportunities and a report from Africa Travel Magazine on this year's International Congress in South , May 20-24 and an exciting World Peace event February 2-4 in Vancouver.

Contact Jean de Dieu at (604) 488 0860, fax (604) 684 1296
or Sue at (604) 681-0718, fax (604) 681-6595,

The location will be in the modern banquet rooms at the Mandarin Classic Restaurant at 433 Pender Street (2 blocks east of Granville) in Vancouver. Ample parking nearby.