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About New Zealand

New Zealand's awesome landscapes, lush forests, amazing wildlife and pleasant climate make it a haven for many outdoor activities, and a great place to unwind. New Zealand society is diverse, sophisticated, and multicultural, and the honesty, friendliness, and openness of Kiwis will impress you. And the great advantage of New Zealand is that all of its diverse physical, cultural, and artistic landscapes are so close to each other! With over a thousand years of human settlement, New Zealand has a colourful and dramatic history, dominated by the relationship between Maori and Pakeha (Europeans).

New Zealanders have a unique and dynamic culture, with European, Maori, Pacific and Asian influences. It's a culture that celebrates the many different lifestyles we live, and the stories we have to tell. Stunning landscapes, lush vegetation, and unique wildlife make New Zealand a paradise for nature lovers.

New Zealand featured on the Movie Screen

Having just seen "The World's Fastest Indian" courtesy of New Zealand Tourism, one of our editor's first goals is a visit to the town and countryside portrayed in the film. Here are some comments from the NZ website.

"Yes, the dramatically beautiful cinematography of films such as this take our breath away. But what of the real landscapes that inspire such reaction? If it's a holiday that will remain with you far longer than any movie, visit Southland - the main location for "The World's Fastest Indian". Southland motorcycle legend Burt Munro was a man who held on to the dreams of his youth and ultimately realized them. Portrayed by Anthony Hopkins, his story of dream fulfillment and hard work is told by NZ director Roger Donaldson in "The World's Fastest Indian". Much of the movie was shot in and around Southland and many locals volunteered to help in any way - many were used as extras in the film, even the gregarious Mayor of Invercargill took a role. Such is the friendliness of these New Zealanders living at the country's most southern point."

Maori Culture

The Maori people are the indigenous people of Aotearoa (New Zealand) and first arrived here in waka hourua (voyaging canoes) from their ancestral homeland of Hawaiki over 1000 years ago. Today, Maori make up over 14 percent of the population. Their language and culture has a major impact on all facets of New Zealand life.More->

New Zealand New Thinking

Forward thinking and innovation are not limited to any part of the world: but they flourish in New Zealand- and in the minds of Kiwis.' Time Magazine

'Brand New Zealand' aims to create a national brand that will differentiate New Zealand internationally, better support key sectors, and enhance New Zealand's established and emerging areas of competitive advantage. New Zealand New Thinking is the new positioning that has been developed to provide an umbrella positioning for New Zealand from an economic development perspective. 

The key goal is to ensure:
New Zealand is recognised globally for the value its businesses and people bring to the world &endash; through creativity, innovation and technology.
For many years, common perceptions of New Zealand have revolved around its landscape and accompanying clean, green image. These are important but we also need convey a richer set of messages that create recognition for the broader characteristics that define our people, business and country.
Raising global recognition of New Zealand's competitive edge through the New Zealand New Thinking programme will benefit every New Zealander by increasing opportunities for international trade and economic growth, securing foreign investment and enhancing New Zealand's attractiveness for skilled or business migrants.
Opportunities are continuously being looked for to showcase New Zealand on the world stage and promote our point of difference.  The programme supports New Zealand companies at key offshore events, and domestically, seeks to build and develop relationships with both public and private sector.
The above is an excerpt from the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Website