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From Baja to Barrow
Railways of the World
Alaska Cruises
River Adventures
Grizzly Encounters
Adventure Isles

Heritage USA

Asia Pacific
Apec Countries

élargit les horizons en publiant en Français
La Francophonie


How do you reach and influence 10,000 delegates from 18 countries in one week?

In 1997, when our Managing Editor heard that the Asia Pacific Economic Council (APEC) was holding an 18-nation summit in Vancouver, with US President Clinton, other heads of state and decision makers in attendance, his ears began to twitch. Seizing the moment, he decided to produce a special magazine edition aimed at this elite readership - 10,000 delegates and hundreds of media. The whole effort was a rousing success, giving us (and our advertisers) an exclusive distribution no other travel or business publication could match. In other words, we were first with the most. - - a *96 page powerhouse issue that most members took home and kept. The timing was ideal.

Exclusive editions are not new with us, it's exactly what we've been doing with Africa Travel Magazine year after year - creating and producing a publication that targets an elite, influential group at the Africa Travel Association (ATA) International Congress. With the host Nation's President presiding and seven (7) African Tourism Ministers on our ATA Board of Directors, Africa Travel Magazine carries a lot of weight. Likewise, our first Air Highways Magazine came in response to the Open Skies US-Canada agreement, and was distributed at over 40 gateway airports, with 30,000 Air Highway Supermaps distributed by Transport Canada and other organizations.

It's a keeper! The kindest thing one can say about a magazine.

What's Ahead?
We were proud to have been one of the most visible magazines at the week long event. It was a great networking experience and led the way to our next big project, the "Asia Pacific-Africa Skies Conference", slated for September, 2001.

Our 96-page Air Highways Package Edition for Apec visitors included a 64- page, full color magazine profiling major gateways in British Columbia, Alberta and Washington, plus 24 pages on Apec. Our fold-out Supermap helped visitors locate regional airports, air routes and ground transport.

For 2001, Air Highways Magazine is organizing tours to Africa via the Pacific Route. Fax 604.681.6595, or send E-Mail.africa@dowco.com

Air Highways 2nd Apec Edition will feature trade
and tourism profiles and stories from

Australia: Director, Regional Economic Section, APEC Branch, Economic & Trade Development Division, Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Canberra ACT 2600; Telephone: (61-6) 261-2150; Fax: (61-6) 261-3009 Canada: Director, Asia & Pacific Regional Coordination Division, Department of Foreign Affairs & International Trade, Lester B. Pearson Building, 125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G2; Telephone: (1-613) 944-0462; Fax: (1-613) 943-8167.

Chile: Head, APEC Department General Directorate of International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alameda #1315, 2o. Piso, Floor Santiago, Chile, Telephone : (56-2) 696-0043; Fax: (56-2) 696-0639

China (People's Republic) : Chief of Asia-Pacific Division, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Beijing 100701; Telephone: (86-10) 6513-4521; Fax: (86-10) 6513-0368.

China (Hong Kong) Assistant Director-General of Trade Regional Cooperation, Trade Department, Hong Kong, China Government, 18/F, Trade Department Tower, 700 Nathan Road, Kowloon; Tel: (852)2398-5305; Fax: (852)2789-2491

Indonesia: Director of Economic Relations Among Developing Countries, Department of Foreign Affairs, Jalan Pejambon No. 6, Jakarta Pusat 10110; Telephone: (62-21) 381-1083; Fax: (62-21) 384-4867. Japan: Director, Developing Economies Division, Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2-2-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100; Telephone: (81-3) 3581 5794; Fax: (81-3) 3592-0504 Director, Office for the Promotion of APEC, International Trade Policy Bureau, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, 1-3-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100; Telephone: (81-3) 3501-1655; Fax: (81-3) 3501-1592

Republic of Korea: Director, Regional Policy Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government Office Building, 77 Sejongro, Chongrogu, Seoul 110-760; Telephone: (82-2) 720-4044; Fax: (82-2) 722-1480. A personal thanks from the Editor to his long time friend and former publisher of the Journal of Commerce in Vancouver, Mr. Joe Whitehead and the Korean contingent who provided exhibit space to distribute our magazine during the key meetings.

Malaysia: Director, Multilateral Trade Relations, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, 5th Floor, Block 10, Government Complex, Jalan Duta, 50622 Kuala Lumpur; Telephone: (60-3) 651-0033; Fax: (60-3) 651-0827. Mayalsia Tourism maintains a full time storefront office on Burrard Street in the heart of downtown Vancouver. Malaysia Tourism and Malaysian Air was one of the first exhibitors at our Air and Marine Tourism Show.

Mexico: Director, Asia and Pacific Economic Affairs, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, Ricardo Flores Magon Numero 1 - Piso 16, Tlatelolco, D.F.; Telephone: (52-5)327-3123; Fax: (52-5) 782-4158

New Zealand: Economic Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Private Bag 18901, Wellington; Telephone: (64-4) 473 2105; Fax: (64-4)494 8518

Papua New Guinea: Deputy Secretary (Operations), Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, P. O. Wards Strip, Waigani N.C.D.; Telephone: (675) 300-1231/1236 Fax: (675) 254-886

Republic of the Philippines: Special Assistant, Office of Undersecretary Federico M. Macaranas, Department of Foreign Affairs, 2330 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City; Telephone: (63-2) 834-4741; Fax: (63-2) 832-1451.

Singapore: Deputy Director, Asia Pacific, Ministry of Trade and Industry, 8 Shenton Way #48-01, Treasury Building, Singapore 068811; Telephone: (65) 323-9249 Fax: (65) 220-1215

Chinese Taipei: Section Chief for APEC Affairs, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kaitakelan Blvd, Taipei; Telephone: (886-2) 316-1551; Fax: (886-2) 361-7694

Thailand: Director-General, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Saranrom Palace, Sanarmchai Road, Bangkok 10200; Telephone: (66-2) 225-7385; Fax: (66-2) 226-1841

United States of America: Director, Office of Economic Policy, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State, 2201 C Street, NW., Washington, DC. 20520-6310; Telephone: (1-202) 647-4835; Fax: (1-202) 647-0136