Forestry Editions

1. Introduction
2. Council
3. Message
4. Wood Works
5. Forestry Facts
6. Forestry Facts
7. Fire Hazards
8. Insect Control
9. Pulp & Paper
10. Promotions

Walk in the woods
Louis D'Amore
Business Pages
Foreign Currency Calculations
UBCM Links

Joseph C. Whitehead, former publlisher of the Journal of Commerce and BC Lumberman, anchors BC Scene's first Forestry Edition, to be launched in December 2001. Six leaders from BC's Forest Industry will provide a unique perspective on the future of British Columbia's largest employer.

The Canadian Forest:
For profit, for people - or both

Dr. Louis D'Amore wrote a major feature on the state of Canada's Forest Industry in The Business Quarterly that gained world attention a few years ago. Now BC Scene is preparing a timely update on our colleague's original predictions, which are contained in the following article. Louis d'Amore received his MBA from the Wharton Graduate School of Business, University of Pennsylvania. This article is based on a study made by the author and sponsored by Economic Institute of the Canadian Forestry Service, Department of Environment. The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily of the aforementioned Department.

The trend towards a leisure society
One of the most significant as aspects of our post industrial society is the increasing magnitude and significance of leisure. Since 1900, we have witnessed increases in population, the amount of free time, real income, mobility, and education levels all accompanied by a population shift from rural to urban areas. Clearly discernible is a growing diversity in work schedules and shortening of work time of which the four day work week is the most publicized.

The forest resource base - an economic perspective
Forest lands in Canada total 780 million acres of which some seventy-five percent (588) are suitable for regular harvest. This represents 10% of the world's productive forest land area. Canada cuts about 8% of the world's industrial timber and is the leading exporter of forest products accounting for approximately 22% of the world's total exports.

More than 90% of the forest suitable for regular harvest is located in the provinces and of this amount, 80% (435 million acres) is allocated to management. Except for sixty-four million acres of forest lands which are privately owned, virtually all forest lands in the provinces are provincial crown lands. This is in accordance with the British North American Act which provides that the provinces are the owners of most Crown rights to land and other natural resources within their boundaries.

The economic importance of forest related industries in Canada is undisputed. The pulp and paper industry is the leading industry in Canada in employment., and value added and second in terms of sales. Sawmills and planing mills rank 3rd and 6th respectively in these same categories. If sawmills and planing mills were lumped into the broader classification of 'wood industries' this broader classification would rank 2nd, and 3rd respectively in the categories mentioned.

Table A is a summary of key economic of key economic indicators for the three major classifications of forest related industries. In addition to a total shipments value of $7.6 billion in 1969, forest products exports accounted for $2.6 billion or 17% of total Canadians exports. Forest related industries employ approximately 270000 workers and paid them a salary of $1.9 billion.

Aesthetics ..........................................vs


Natural Cycles

Managed Cycles





Local Recreation


Wilderness Recreation

"Social" Recreation

Present Values

Futures Values

Environmental and Social Considerations

Competitive position of industry

Public Goals

Corporate Goals

National interests

International interests

Rather than "hide" behind the term multiple-use, it would be better to identify and identify and acknowledge the tradeoff areas and arrive at decisions which while not able to maximize use by all those interested will seek to optimize resource allocation on the basis of defined goals.

The tradeoffs illustrated are simple and along two dimensions only. In actual fact, they are most often multidimensional and a concession in one direction pulls from two or more other dimensions. The three underlying "poles" however would appear to be three environmental considerations social and economic as diagrammed below.

Environmental - Economic - Social - Societal framework
The mosaic of modern day Canadian society is one of interrelatedness and interdependence. It is not enough therefore, that an industry which accounts directly or indirectly for 12-13% of the GNP, a significant portion of foreign trade, and 250,000 employees, to have as its one main collective purpose - making a profit.

The forest related industries are without question the most pervasive in the Canadian economic fabric. As such, it is incumbent on the industry to operate in a manner which positively contributes and at least conforms with national goals and objectives. Private enterprise is not a right but a privilege granted by a society. Inherent in the privilege are parallel responsibilities which in the case of the forest industry are a responsibility for stewardship of the forest industry are a responsibility for stewardship of the resource they utilize and the sharing of a national heritage with other institutions of society as well as the public at large.

Can we meet the challenge?
Genuine concern for all aspects of forest operations is evident in governments, corporations, universities and various segments of the public. It is possible that the many efforts underway can be marshaled into unifying and positive direction that truly harnesses the forest in the long term? Can the fragmentation of industry and government be overcome? Can forest management goals, policies and decisions be framed and executed within the context of national goals and priorities?

These things can only happen through a flexible philosophy of cooperation. The key to functioning in unison is no single magic formula, but a continuing process of adaptation based on mutual trust among levels of government and among government, industry and the public at large. The guiding principle can only be one of mature partnership - can we meet the challenge?

To be continued

(List of forest industry web sites to come. )

Footnotes: A management consulting firm studying the four day work week, identified 17 Canadian companies on a four day schedule in October 1971. Just six months later, in April 1972, the same consulting firm stated that there were at least 60 companies in Canada on a four day schedule. The corresponding statistics in the United States indicate approximately 650 companies on a four schedule in September 1971 with a rate of conversion of four companies a day.