Evergreen Aviation Museum
The Evergreen Aviation Museum at McMinnville, Oregon, home of the famous Hughes Flying Boat, ("Spruce Goose") is open daily from 9 AM to 5 PM.

The administrative offices are open from 8 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday. Summer: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm June 7 through Labor Day.

Up-close and personal" encounters with world-famous aircraft; Educational lectures on aviation history and science; Hands-on activities for all ages.

Photos: Below (left) Ford Trimotor 5-AT-B. The only one flying of 5 series. NC 9645.
Below: Howard Hughes Flying Boat "Spruce Goose" November 2, 1947

Website: http://www.sprucegoose.org/

Oregon's Tillamook Naval Air Station Museum. Home of the World War II Blimps. The remaining of the two original hangars is the largest free-span wooden structure in the world. The museum covers the history of the Naval Air Station and lighter-than-air technology, and features the Northwest's biggest collection of World War II fighter planes. Gift shop, restrooms, telephones and free parking are available. Hours: May-Oct, 9 to 6 daily. Nov-Apr, 10 to 5 daily. Closed Christmas, and Thanksgiving. Admission $7 adults, seniors $6, youth (13 -17) $4, $2.50 kids 7-12 and under 7 is free. Located off Highway 101, south of town. 4000 Blimp Blvd, Tillamook OR 97141, Voice Phone 503-842-1130

Map showing 4 Air Museums in Western Oregon State.

WWI Blimp, Naval Air Station, Tillamook, Oregon

Boeing C-97 Strata Cruiser "Guppy", Tillamook Naval Air Station, Oregon

Douglas A-IE Skyraider, Olympic Flight Museum, Olympia, WA
